Apache Log4j Vulnerability - IBM License Metric Tool

Following up on their original announcement regarding the Log4j vulnerability, IBM communicated that some of their customers using IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) might be vulnerable as some of its components are affected by the Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228). It affects all types of ILMT installations (BigFix, Ansible, Lite).
The recommended remedial action is to upgrade to ILMT Version 9.2.26. For any support, contact us at info@coliance.co.
View the original IBM recommendation: https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/6525762

About ILMT:

IBM License Metric Tool is a tracking tool used by IBM customers to manage their IBM software licensing requirements and help maintain an audit-ready posture. ILMT helps maintain an inventory of PVU based software deployed for Full Capacity or Virtualization (Sub-) Capacity environment and measure the PVU licenses required by software product.

IBM License Monitoring Service

We offer a managed service to help you take care of your IBM license monitoring. Contact us at info@coliance.co for more information.

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